我、AIESEC 、台湾

Friday, December 31, 2010

I was asked by the AIESEC of CTLC to write a 3000 Chinese words essay...I used about one week to finish it, lol...Initially felt a little bit difficult as I long time no write a Chinese essay, felt myself rust in writing Chinese words...=.=

Here is my essay, an essay more than 3000 words, felt proud of myself ...haha~enjoy~..=)


一个人,两个行李,三分焦虑,四分期待,我终于有机会去一个我向往已久的国度 - 台湾。这是我第一次一个人离开温暖的家那么长的时间,来到一个我从未到过的地方…虽然我可以从电视节目上大概了解台湾是个怎样的国家,但毕竟得亲身体验才可体会其中奥妙。一个人的旅行是怎样的呢?我是否能适应新的环境?带着兴奋却夹杂着徐徐担忧的心情搭上了飞机,飞往离我家1959哩的地方…





好,接受了我接下来两个半月得在一个宁静小地方生活的事实,接下来是去我居住的地方 - 狮潭国中教师宿舍。眼前的景象让我差点晕倒,由于暑假没人居住,整个地方好乱好多灰尘,而且据当地老师说随时还会有像手掌般大小的蜘蛛出没,这快把我给弄疯了,我超怕蜘蛛的!唉,这一切还不是最糟糕的事,地方脏,我可以收拾,蜘蛛不理它应该也没什么问题…晚上睡觉给跳蚤咬才是让我最受不了的事了。跳蚤呀跳蚤,你们应该太久没吸人血了吧?我双手双脚甚至背后都不放过,你们可以吸我的血,但可以不要让我如此奇痒难耐吗?!虽然我努力洗被单,狂喷杀虫剂,还是无法把你们根除,你们真的太喜欢我了吧?时不时晚上出来亲亲我,拼命在我身上留疤,让我把这些纪念品带回家。[苦笑]


我在一个生态教室当职工,我热爱这种可以和大众与大自然界接触的工作,我享受我的工作,这些工作都丰富与充实了我的生命。尤其我好喜欢我工作的地方,这儿空气清新,绿意盎然,蝴蝶四处飞舞,这一切对我来说太美妙了!在这儿的工作满轻松的但却很充实。平时来到我工作的地方 - 蓝色小屋,得先整理园区,然后自习关于动植物的知识。这儿的阿以叔叔们都很乐意教导我,和我分享他们的知识,让我获益良多。偶尔我们也会去种有上百种不同植物的园区走走看看,这不仅仅加强我学习的印象,同时也让我渐渐认识各种不同的植物与它们的功能。我们的生态教室亦有提供鸣凤古道和狮潭老街导览,这也是另一个让我学习的机会。让我更了解这美丽纯朴的狮潭乡。


研发与改良手工DIY产品也是我的工作之一。好像我们会研究如何把已印有蝶古巴特的蚕茧串成有质感的风铃或做成可实用的产品。有时会和经理 - 蜥蜴一起去教室外寻找天然材料如植物的种子和石头,看看能变什么新的花样。很高兴我们成功地把水黄皮的种子做成手机吊饰,让我有小小的满足感。



最近是铲除小花蔓泽兰的季节,和同事们去了我们的另一个靠近明德水库的园区 - 绿色园区铲除这侵害性强大的外来植物。这种植物生长的速度很快,它们会覆盖在其他植物上造成它们无法接收到阳光而枯死。如果大家所居住的环境有小花蔓泽兰的踪迹,不妨试试动手铲除它们,让其他的原生植物有更多的生存空间。


在台湾与大家接触后我发现有趣的一点是大家好像对马来西亚不太了解。其实马来西亚有三大民族 马来人、华人和印度人,普遍上马来西亚的华人是有受华文教育的,所以大家别太惊奇我们会说华语哦!



交大的AIESEC们也很照顾我。尤其是阿秋,时常msn关心我最近过得怎样。Tomo、敏宏、小B CathyQQ都在我需要帮助时伸出援手。很高兴认识了他们这群可爱的朋友,也感谢他们在忙碌的大学生活中抽空关心我这个大姐姐。除了交大的AIESEC,我也认识了铭传的AIESECers,与此同时也认识了他们分会的研习生,互相文化交流与玩乐。

在台湾我也“不小心”地认识了一群外国人。在九月初,有一批八十几个外国人的团体 - Up With People 来台湾社区服务与宣导世界和平的理念。他们将会寄宿在台湾的家庭而他们的第一站便是苗栗,蜥蜴就这样误打误撞的成为其中一户寄宿家庭,我也间接的和这些年轻人有进一步的了解与交流。他们为了回馈社会,将会在各城市带来了一出精彩的歌舞剧。他们对生命的热忱与奉献让我感动,很佩服他们这大爱的精神。




通过我在台湾,同样是研习生的马来西亚朋友的牵线,有机会和铭传的AIESEC以及他们的研习生去台湾的南部 - 垦丁。但老天不作美,一直下雨,还下了两天的雨,可说是没去到什么地方玩,没关系,认识新的朋友也算是一种收获。






Time To Say Goodbye With Taiwan...

Woke up in the morning, I finally realized I gonna leave here soon...The feeling was strong, it fill up all of my mind, times fly, I seem just arrived here yesterday night...I really hard to believe that I'll be leaved for the next 16hours..=(

I know there is no eternity in this world, I should feel bless for the meeting between us, you guys like the angels guarding me in Taiwan...Thank you all for being part of my life...What I brought back not just the souvenirs from Taiwan, I also brought back the love & care from you guys, the priceless and precise memories with you all...Will miss you all hardly...take care my dear friends, look upon the time we meet again...

Ok, should throw away all the sadness and tidy up my mind, start from tomorrow, is time for me to begin a brand new chapter of my life...=)

I'm Crazy for YOU ~*Jiu Fen (九份)*~

I never thought that I can have so much fun there!!! Variety of mouth watering food and adorable souvenirs shops, it is a paradise for me, a place let me did the last strike to burn my money and hurt my pocket, just indulge myself on it!!
Wohoo~~ \(^O^)/

Jiu Fen is is a mountain town in the Rueifang Township of Taipei County near Keelung. The road up to Jiu Fen is very narrow and steep, it really not suitable for big vehicles...So you will very admire the driving skill of the bus drivers. (but the bus on this winding road really my heart gonna pop out!!) Oh ya, Jiu Fen is an ex-gold mining spot, so you can found a gold mining museum there and have a chance to touch the 200kg gold...hope I can took it back, lol...XD

The things sold there are range from unique, creative, traditional to sophisticated. So I sure there must be at least one thing suitable you taste..=) So do remember prepare more money and spend there, wakaka..XDDD I want come here again!!!

You can get a bus to Jiu Fen from the bus stop near to Kee Lung train station
Jiu Fen is a pack small town!!
The paradise - jiu Fen Old Street
The GOLD!!
Post a wooden post card back home~ =D

AIESEC Alumni monthly Gathering

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Event : AIESEC Alumni monthly Gathering
Date: 29-10-2010
Time : 7.30pm
Venue : 魯旦

As what I mentioned above, today we have a monthly gathering with the AIESEC alumni and it is my first time attended this party, a little nervous and exited for it, lol...XDD

In this autumn season, for the people came from equator region like me was feeling a little bit uneasy for this chilled weather. Luckily inside the restaurant was much much more warmer than outside as you're heated by the hot steamboat and crowded room, you even can sweat there, lol...

The very first thing we did was tried to sit with the friends that we don't know for ice breaking. Meantime, a quiz about the AIESEC was conducted, they're high spirit and fun, we all enjoyed a lot there^^ Since Halloween was around the corner, they also asked for the volunteers to share about the ghost stories, luckily the surrounding was noisy, otherwise i think i can't sleep after listening to those scary stories, lol... 

We chat and have some bites on the snacks, just relax in this harmony ambient...Felt nice there as I have the opportunity to know more friends and did some cultural exchange with other trainees... =) Wish you guys can successfully held this party every month, have fun!

Say cheese~ :D

28-10-2010 Part 2 ~ 雾峰震撼921

After Ji Ji, we still have time, so we decide went to Wu Feng 921 Earthquake Museum - the place that not in our plan~ =D

You will shocked by what you see there...This museum was a former primary school and badly destroyed by this severe earthquake. The museum tried to conserve as original as it can to reveal the destructive power of earthquake and also try to educate public what should we do when facing earthquake. For the people who never experience earthquake before will hardly imagine how powerful of the natural disaster...

Let's flash back this historical event...

The 921 earthquake , was a 7.3 Ms or 7.6 Mw earthquake which occurred at 1:47 local time (17:47 UTC) on September 21, 1999 in Jiji, Nantou County, Taiwan. 2,415 people were killed, 11,305 injured, and NT$300 billion (US$10 billion) worth of damage was done. It was the second-deadliest quake in recorded history in Taiwan, after the 1935 Hsinchu-Taichung earthquake.

28-10-2010 Part 1 ~ 集集寻宝乐

Ji Ji, a small town in Nan Tou County. Looking forward for this trip as it sounds like a nice place with this funny name.. =D 

Along the way to Ji Ji, you can see lot of trees on your both sides, shaded the path you passing by...^^ Maybe I was giving a high expectation on this place so when I reach there I felt a bit bit disappointed for it, i thought it was a vibrant and lively place but it sound extraordinary silent for me, hardly to see a tourist there, like a desolated place...Maybe they day I came not an holiday...

So we just walked around and went to the travel info centre took some broacher about the tourist spots in Ji Ji...The friendly officer told us that we can follow the map and collect the stamps from those tourist spot then back here again to get a free gift. It seem fun for us, so we decide to accept this suggestion and rent a bicycle to start our journey... ;)

These are the places that we passing by...

Ji Ji train station, it looks very old...
Arm force museum, displays chariots, planes and bomb...
Wanna be the top scholar? Came and pray here - Scholar Temple
Thousand of plants and animals species, check it out at Flora and Fauna Museum
Temple destroyed by 921 earthquake, the ground floor was sunken down and left only the roof part...really impressive 
Fairy Waterfall, nothing much to say...lol
Can you see me? I was under the 700 years old camphor tree!!
Taadaaa~~Mission completed!!! =D


Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Today everyone was on duty, took the 1st and I think was the last group picture with my beloved colleagues..sob sob..Everything will be changed for the next year... =(

CE经理  – 很庆幸能来到您的教室当志工,抱歉我没为教室做些什么贡献… 谢谢您时常带我去玩,去尝试新鲜的玩意,让我感觉好像当了小小冒险家,探索台湾与自然的美丽…从您身上也学了许多宝贵的知识…来到狮潭真是明智的选择!^^



芷菁姐- 谢谢您热心的帮忙与照顾,环游世界不是个梦!!=)



Feel bless to know you all, because you all, i knew i was not lonely...Thanks for light up my life in Taiwan, will miss you guys a lot and looking forward the day we meet again...=)

雪霸国家公园 - 丰泰雅

24-10-2010 ~*SUNDAY*~

Nothing to do in the classroom, so CE brought me to Shei Ba national Park ( 雪霸国家公园 ) during lunch time as there's a harvest celebration of Tai Ya (泰雅)aboriginal people. It was happening, roasted wild boar, powerful music, cultural dances, blah blah blah...Many activities over there and one of the eye opening activity for me was "catching piglets competition", the youngsters of 2 different tribes competed to catch the piggy in the shortest time . They were so rough and the piggies looked shocked and kept ran here and there, felt sorry for those little poor piggies. :'(

We also accidentally met the family of Vivian Xu there (a bit disappointed can't see the Vivian Xu, lol..T_T) The aboriginal people truly ardor, they treated us warmly even though I just met the today!They kept asking us ate the chicken wings, since it was impolite to reject their kindness, what we can did was kept digging in..LOL

Wow~feel great can have a more profound understanding about the culture of Taiwan aboriginal people and experienced their enthusiasm personally^^  This harvest celebration is carried out annually in Taiwan, if you have time, come and have a look there!

What will be of your destiny? =(
They are Vivian Xu grandparents and aunt =D
Cultural dance, i like their traditional costume^^

艺术 + 文化 + 探险 + 闲逸 的一天~

Just wanna share with you guys that I have experienced the arts, culture, adventure and leisurely 4 in 1 just in one day time (23-10-2010), How I did it?! Let's check it out~^^

Arts - Miaoli Arts Centre
艺术 - 苗栗文化观光局

You can find the old agricultural equipments there and have a look on the unique Hakka Culture. The artworks shown there are impressive and you can find a series of paintings regarding the famous landmarks in Miaoli County at the gallery. Enjoy the beauty of Miaoli from different angles of the artists...=)

Culture - Nan Zhuang Old Street
文化 - 南庄老街

You can shop, you can eat and you can play over there! Just explore it!!^^ Don't missed the renowned matcha read bean ice and mouth watering pig skin rice, forget about the high cholesterol first!! :D 
Oh ya, remember pay  a visit on the old cinema, if you like it, you can dine inside and have the opportunity to review the old classic movie, i sure you guys will like it~

Adventure - Celestial Valley
探险 - 神仙谷

Why i said it was adventurous?! Try guess it...Ok, let me tell you, this is a KILLING waterfall!! Quite a number of people were killed there, it is dangerous! But don't be afraid, now we are not allowed to play water on the waterfall, NEVER EVER...We just can enjoy its beauteous from far far away...on the drawbridge...safe enough.. :D
On the way back, we saw a fresh flesh of a green snake, we guessed it just crushed by the car awhile ago...Wow~I finally saw a snake on the road, but was a death one..T____T

Leisurely - Taiwanese Hibiscus
闲逸 - 山芙蓉

First impression on this place - Flowers, TONS OF FLOWERS!!I guess there is over hundred species of flowers can be found there, all are well trimmed and nicely organized. It is a huge place and has several part of guess rooms with different theme designs. Is a cozy and relaxing place, a nice spot to come with your loved one...And do remember, there is nothing free in this world, wanna have a cup of tea there? Please pay TD150 as entrance fee but you can get a drinks of your choice "FOC" and enjoy the heavenly scenery as much as you can, fair enough right? :p

farewell dinner...

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Thanks a lot to 郭老师 bought us a dinner at 海上鲜. Dined with great people, great food,  and great aura. We ate a lot, drank a lot and for sure we did enjoy a lot. Just pity we didn't take a picture together..But never mind, your guys always on my mind^^ Thanks for this fantastic meal.. :D
生啤酒,not for me...=p

Week 7 & 8...

Dear friends, sorry for abandon this blog for such a long time.. No any other reason, just simply lazy to update my blog..LOL
But before the end of 2010, I hope I can complete this blog and starting a brand new chapter of my life..=)

Ok, now I wanna summarize what I have done from week 7 till week 8 in a concise way...=)

4-10-2010 (Monday)
- Follow CE to mangrove area for site investigation before conducting an activity for Chi Mei Corporation.
- To an abandon multifunction house at beach site to understand the situation and thinking the way for recovering.
- walked around Mind De Reservoir (明德水库) and its nearby areas.

5-10-2010 (Tuesday)
- Owing to the Multi-employment Project exhibition was around the corner, we as a part of it and some more as the member of Miaoli Ecological Society, we needed to prepare an ecological box as well as products to sell at the exhibition.
- What we do 1st was hiking to Ming Feng Ancient Pathway (鸣凤古道) for plants and insects collection.

6-10-2010 (Wednesday)
- making the price stand by creative way~Decoupages on stones.
- We decided to introduce the life cycle of silkworm on the Multi-employment Project exhibition. As a result we gonna went to the Silkworm Farm (泉明养蚕农场) find Uncle Tu and borrow silkworms (蚕宝宝) from different stages. They are cute, isn't it?!..=p

7-10-2010 (Thursday)
- Making our DIY products - mobile phone strap by plant seeds.
- Went to aboriginal tribe (南庄八卦力), to buy the bamboo dragonflies as the hanger of the mobile phone straps.

8-10-2010 (Friday)
- Again, traveled alone to Banqiao Ling’s Garden. Love that place so much! The ambient there made me felt that i was backed to the ancient time...^^
- 1st try to HSR (High Speed Rail) from Taipei to Hsinchu, just wanna experience how fast and how comfort of the rail. But in the end I felt asleep on the whole journey and nearly over station, LOL...One thing can be proven here - the HSR is super silent and stable! :D
- Attend a warm welcome party by CTLC at Hsinchu trainee house. Thanks for all the cute AIESECers~^^ I truly enjoy the night with you all~*hugsss*

9-10-2010 (Saturday)
- The day for Multi-employment Project exhibition (多元就业方案成果展), 1st time alone conducting a hand made "May Snow" by using the silkworm cocoons...=D

10-10-2010 (Sunday)
- Double Ten National Day of Taiwan, watching the parade with Xun Pei and Dora. We also viewed the amazing 52 minutes fireworks displayed at night. An unforgettable night for me..

11-10-2010 (Monday)
- Overnight at Chiao Tung University as  i unable back to Miaoli from Taipei last night. Thanks Wendy let me slept with her and she really an adorable sweetheart^^.

12-10-2010 (Tuesday)
- Followed my dear colleagues for a guide around Shihtan village, discovered more deeper on the place i live..^^ Have lot of fun there~*

13-10-2010 (Wednesday)
- French ball or Petanque trial at Xin Ming University. Oh Man! Is not easy to play!!!

14-10-2010 (Thursday)
- This doggie kept following me and asking for food..lol..sorry for can't share my dinner with you...

15-10-2010 (Friday)
- Went to 阿桐伯 orchard, tasted the “secret fruit”, why it named secret fruit? Because after you eating it what you eat later will becomes sweet!! Nope, actually is very SWEET!!Amazing isn't it?!

16-10-2010 (Saturday)
- Yeah! Finally have a trip with my lovely AIESECers, thought was only 2...lol...Went to Sun Moon Lake, we ride the boat, viewed the scenery, relax and enjoy..=) Tomo, 阿秋, Leon, Min Hung, QQ & Cathy, hope we can go for a trip in the future time^^

17-10-2010 (Sunday)
- Doreamon Science Centre, a brainstorming there,we seem back to kids time..=)

In conclusion, I really have lot of fun in these 2 weeks!!! 
Taiwan, I wanna rock you again..\(^O^)/